Monday, January 15, 2007

The Real Justice League

This will be the home site for the Real Justice League SG.

Currently we are just starting off, and have a small, almost functional base built. We are already a part of a coalation that the Real Justice League has started, and will continue to grow. I am the primary founder of the RJL, and my 2 toons are Popoki, and Roxy Chick. (yes wuth the period). I hope that all of you newcommers to the sg will stay with us as we continue to grow.

Here is a little bit on how promotions will go.

1st Promotion - League Captain
100,000 Prestige

2nd Promotion - League Commander
200,000 Prestige

3rd Promotion - Leader
400,000 Prestige and/or Leaders Approval
(Based on Helpfulness, Attendance, SG Participation)

4th Promotion - Founder
Only available to players that were in SG Prior to 1/30/2007
500,000 Prestige, 3rd Promotion for 1 month, and Majority SG Approval. This will be awarded in a SG Meeting. Also Voting will be held at that meeting.

Rules of RJL:

Play in SG Mode until your char hits lvl 30. After lvl 30, you may turn it off to make more influence. Seeing as after level 30, SO's tend to cost a lot, We want your character to grow. After level 30 you may turn it on or off at will, however, we ask that you keep it on during base building sessions, and other SZG related events.

Always help a fellow SG member if he/she needs it. Its not much to ask, and if you can help them, please do. This will not only help him/her out, but also the SG aswell.

League Captains-
Same rules as above plus
You may recruit new members, however, you do not have invite permissions. You must get a League Commander to invite that player for you.

League Commanders-
Same rules as Members plus
When inviting new members, you need to explain to them the rules, and they must be ok with playing in SG Mode.

When Promoting a member, take into account their prestige ammount, and their overall personality. If you feel that a member should be promoted early, Please discuss this with the leaders and founders. We will take into account what you have to say, and make a decision based on what you have said.

Taking from base storage-
Take only what you need. NO More. Enough Said.

Same rules as Members and League Commanders plus
You have the ability to schedule arena events for the SG. When doing this, you must put a notice in the MOTD atleast 12 hours in advance, so as to notify others that are playing, or just comming on of the event.

If you feel that a member of our SG has gone against the rules, please notify the him/her of what he/she has done wrong, and allow them to correct it. If it is a continuing problem, inform them that they are being demoted, demote them, notify a founder, and let the founder try to work out the issue.

A founder will let you know when you may schedual a base raid. As of not, they may not be done at all.

Paying Base Upkeep-
Only Pay Base Upkeep when there is a notice that it is due, and NEVER Sooner. We will have to pay twice if you pay early.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Thats what we are here for. Anything about the SG or the game that you need/want to know.

Base Building Sessions (Definition)-
Power Leveling (When we get 1 or more lvl 50's that can do it)
Farming (High Level)

Thats it for now. I am working on getting a regular site (Probably hosted of my computer) for our sg, and will be designing it myself. If you feel you can help in any way, please let me know.